Effective Body Language for Managers

Effective Body Language for Managers

Effective managers have specific effective body language that enables them to become a relatable and friendly individual to their employees and any teams that they manage.

Body language is a crucial part of business, without it, relating to the people that you manage may be a bit more difficult.

Why effective body language is important in the workplace

Body language is a language that is spoken without words.

People can tell how you feel and even what you might be thinking by looking at your body language.

This form of non-verbal communication is used in every aspect of life, every day.

It’s all about the gestures, movements, and expressions that people make to deliver a message without saying anything.

In the workplace, body language can be used by effective managers to communicate with their employees without saying a word.

Body language is great for public speaking, team meetings, official announcements, and many other workplace applications.

Convey authority, but don’t be threatening

To convey authority in your body language, sit up straight and tall in your seat. Spread your legs and arms in the space around you and place a notebook and pen in front of you as an extension of yourself.

It can be easy to become threatening when you’re trying to convey authority – especially if you choose to stand.

To avoid seeming threatening and making your employees anxious, avoid pacing, softly smile, and sit down where possible.

Sitting with your employees, even when you’re seated at the head of a table, can put you on the same level as them.

Be approachable

Effective managers must be approachable during work hours; approachable managers are more likely to be trusted by their employees, and their employees will be more likely to come to them with any work-related issues.

Your goal should be to help your employees feel comfortable approaching you and sharing their ideas.

Next time you are in a discussion with one of your employees, take note of your body position.

A slightly angled position, when sitting or standing, can change the vibe of the conversation by taking pressure off the other person so they can relax.

Confidence and vulnerability go hand-in-hand

Open effective body language makes for a more effective manager.

When you’re talking to your employees, don’t cross your arms – this makes you seem more closed off and less approachable.

Opening up your body shows vulnerability and confidence.

Keep your shoulders back, chin up, hands by your sides, and legs uncrossed when you’re sitting.

Actively listen to your employees

Finally, actively listen to your employees.

This conveys empathy and shows that you have time to listen to your employees even when you’re busy.

If you’ve taken the time to talk to an employee, don’t show how busy you are by fidgeting or edging towards the door.

Make eye contact, nod, and match your facial expressions to your reactions while you’re conversing with your employees.

That’s how you can be an effective manager by using body language.

Learn body language techniques

In addition to changing your body language to be more open at work, you may decide to learn more body language techniques to help you on your way to being a more effective manager.

A couple of hours of research will yield a large number of results that will help you be an effective manager for your employees, including what kinds of body language you should be using in addition to the ones that we’ve listed here, and what you should avoid doing while you’re working among other people in your organisation.

Body language is a vital part of any workplace.


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