Stress management strategies using EI

Stress management strategies using EI

Have authentic, emotionally intelligent relationships with people. Associate with those whose company you enjoy and who support you. Authenticity requires self-awareness and emotional expression so that when in conversation with an individual you are able to share your feelings openly, including any distractions impairing your ability to concentrate on them.

Stress factors and coping techniques

stress factors

How can we avoid distress?

We cannot. However, we can learn techniques to keep distress to a minimum by increasing our coping strategies. We can also use eustress appropriately in our occupations to improve our performance and inspire others.

Work Life Balance and EI

People who believe they have equilibrium in their work/life balance are essentially saying they are not suffering undue stress. A work/life balance is a dynamic equilibrium, as no one’s private life ever follows a monotonous pattern without peaks and troughs. How these are negotiated with work demands is where the skill lies.