add education to linkedin

How to add your course to LinkedIn Profile

Boost your career prospects and gain recognition in your network. Did you know that you can showcase your qualification on your LinkedIn profile - the biggest global professional network?

How to add your course to LinkedIn profile

Boost your career prospects and gain recognition in your network

Did you know that you can showcase your qualification on your LinkedIn profile – the biggest global professional network?

All our qualifications are accredited degree-level equivalent courses, meaning that even if you only complete a single unit of a course like an Award Qualification, you will show up as a graduate level candidate in recruiters’ searches.

I love that I can see how I compare to other applicants in LinkedIn Jobs. I can tell straight away if I have a good chance of being invited for an interview.

Your alumni status (once added) is shown right at the top of your profile and also in the detailed Education section:

linkedin profile

Adding your qualification can be done while you are studying too, you don’t need to wait to complete your course, as features are available to set a completion date in the future, showing prospective employers, recruiters, and your network your dedication to professional development.

If you are looking for work and have a premium LinkedIn subscription additional features let you see how you place against other applicants and their education and skills levels.

This gives a much better understanding of the job market, who else applies for the same job and your chances of success.

linkedin jobs candidate comparison

LinkedIn offers a 1 month free trial for Premium and we recommend you try this especially if you are looking for employment or curious about employment trends, job market and deeper insights into global professional networks.


We are not affiliated with LinkedIn Premium in any way and this recommendation has no commercial value to Sussex Business School.


Adding your course is easy.

Just add a new education section to your profile and start typing Sussex Business School Ltd. to select from the dropdown as your school.

Under Degree: Enter the equivalent level qualification for your course
Under Field of Study: Enter the full name of your course such as CMI Level 7 Certificate Professional Consulting


If you cannot see our icon at the top of your profile, make sure you tick the boxed in your profile settings to display it. You can find these by clicking on the Pencil icon to the right of the section with your name.


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