Management Decisions that Destroy Cultures

Management Decisions that Destroy Cultures and Drive Away Talented People

Most business owners agree that creating a strong work culture and encouraging employees to develop is an important part of success. Companies often devote a lot of time and effort to attracting just the right talent. The problem is they don’t always put that same effort into retention once an individual has started work.

Poor management decisions, lack of personal investment and other factors can lead top talent to quickly consider their options for the future.

What are Management Decisions?

In its basic sense This might involve setting targets and ensuring staff hit these goals. It could mean pa management decision relates to anything that is undertaken to achieve the operational goals for a business. utting the right people are in the right jobs so that the company operates efficiently.

One thing is certain – management decisions form a continuous and important part of the process of running a business.

How Are Management Decisions Made?

There are three different kinds of decision making process that managers and business owners will use: Strategic, tactical and operational.

  • Strategic decisions encompass the wider, global goals of the business. What they want to achieve and where they see themselves in the market place, both now and in the future. It’s about the road ahead and the route which is chosen.
  • Tactical decision making is all about the methods that the business uses to get to their goals. It includes planning and developing different approaches, getting the best people on board, training them, or making sure various parts of the organisation work together cohesively.
  • Operational decision making is more about the day to day running of the business and the rules it operates by. That includes how many people are needed for a specific task and what resources they require to get things done.

Management Decisions That Could Cost You Dearly

  1. Your process is too autocratic

Top talent generally needs space to grow if it is to thrive. If your management process is too autocratic, employees, particularly those with a lot to offer, can feel stifled. The manager who is unwilling to let go and keeps a tight grip on every part of the operation normally falls into this trap. It can leave top talent feeling too constricted and is one of the main reasons they start looking towards pastures new. The rise of first among equal management styles in recent years has been seen as a direct response to this issue.

  1. Ego gets in the way

Ego isn’t all bad and it’s an important characteristic of many high performing individuals. While it can be a useful in a range of circumstances, when it is abused and gets in the way of team work or staff development it can be a destructive force. Making management decisions based on your ego can be an easy habit it settle into. It can include an inability to control emotions, leading to outbursts that upset the dynamic of the office and impact on individuals.

  1. Providing poor feedback

Recognising top performers who are doing a great job is one area that managers often fall down. The stats are pretty clear that those who get good feedback are more likely to be productive, engage with their work colleagues, feel better about themselves and have greater loyalty towards the company.

  1. Bad goal setting

Top of the list when it comes to poor management decisions is bad goal setting. If you don’t create clear expectations and outcomes, it’s difficult for employees to understand what is required of them. When this happens, more often than not it leads to a great deal of confusion and frustration.

  1. Not listening

Finally, we all understand that effective communication is important to any business. That doesn’t just mean how you talk but how you listen as well. One of the major complaints top employees have is that their manager doesn’t listen to them. Authentic listening can improve performance, make people feel they are valued and create loyalty.

If you would like to develop and improve your management decision skills, and take your career to the next level, apply for one of our online management development courses today!.



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