Preparing a Remote Presentation

Tips on Preparing a Remote Presentation

While any good presentation takes time and effort to prepare, it’s even more challenging if you are delivering it remotely. Fortunately, there’s some pretty impressive technology available that will facilitate a remote presentation and, with a little planning, you should soon get the hang of it.

Here we offer some top tips for planning what you are going to deliver for your first presentation and the potential challenges you may face.

Who Is Your Audience?

This is the same consideration whether you are giving a live presentation or a remote one. You need to take a close look at who your audience is as this will dictate the topic, extent and depth of what you deliver.

For instance:

  • How many people are going to view your presentation?
  • Are they novices or experts?
  • Will some be engaging live or will they view your presentation at a later date?
  • Does your audience prefer to be a lengthy presentation or short and succinct?

What Is Your Goal?

Nail down the outcome that you want to achieve and the objectives that you need to meet. An outcome might be a successful sale for your product or service once you’ve given your presentation to a potential customer. If you are a team manager, your remote presentation may be about working more effectively from home during the Covid-19 crisis.

Objectives generally cover the development of skills (for example, by delivering a tutorial), impart knowledge (listing the benefits of a particular course of action) or change attitudes or beliefs (convincing people how a product can impact on their lives).

Time and Tech Wait For No-one

Two of the main hurdles to a successful remote presentation are the technology and getting everyone together. Some viewers may have slower broadband speeds or won’t be able to load the software to view your presentation.

You will need to choose your tools carefully. The good news there are great options for online webinars that allow you to show yourself talking at the same time as your PowerPoint presentation. You can also engage with your audience and take questions.

You’ll need to consider the time of your presentation if it’s intended to be live and how long it should be as well as the number of people you can cater for.

Make sure that you are up to speed with all the tech and that you understand how to use it. Reach out to your audience so you can to make sure they have everything they need on their side.

Structure and Visuals

Again, as with presentations to a ‘live’ audience, the structure is vital. You want to engage and keep people’s attention so you need a logical, clear storyline. Visuals should complement your talk and not overwhelm it.

Our advice is to brainstorm your presentation first and then leave it for a while. Go back and discard what you don’t need to get your information or point across. Leave it a little longer and then hone a bit more so that everything moves in sequence.

Practice Presentation

Finally, handling tech while also giving a presentation is a challenge when you do it for the first time.

That’s why we suggest you have at least a couple of practice presentations with someone who can give you feedback. This is the ideal time to iron out any little problems, adjust your delivery, change sequences and finalise your script. Once you’ve finished, you’ll be more than ready to give your first remote presentation.


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