How to Measure Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

How to Measure Employee Engagement Do you know how engaged your employees are? Since engagement is an emotion that is hard to quantify, probably not! A certain level of emotional intelligence is needed to try to quantify employee engagement so, for the most part, you’ll have to be intuitive! Look for key indicators There are […]

Can You Job Share at a Senior Level

Can You Job Share at a Senior Level There are many benefits to a senior job share. A steadily growing number of employers are starting to consider allowing their employees to job share at senior level to allow for greater flexibility in more demanding positions. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in […]

Does laziness really exist?

decision making

Does laziness really exist? I have had a few conversations recently where the employee was said to be under performing or certainly not performing to the potential and were incorrectly labelled as lazy from their boss. Confirming this to the employee didn’t amend their behaviour either and in the eyes of their boss, this just […]

How to Stay Motivated as a Manager

Stay Motivated as a Manager Most people think managers are highly motivated – it’s their default setting. And that’s how they got to top in the first place. The real truth is that, just like everyone else, someone who has reached the heady heights of management can find their motivation flagging. Here are some simple […]

Effective Coaching and Mentoring

decision making

Requirements for Effective Coaching and Mentoring Effective  Coaching and Mentoring approaches are effective development methods that reap reward for many. There is a difference between the two and this can be confusing to some, but it is important to establish the difference before commencing and coaching and/or mentoring relationship. There are a variety of interpretations […]

Importance of Good Management Skills in Business

The Importance of Good Management Skills in Business With such good tools, advice and resources at our fingertips these days, there are more new businesses than ever. Not everybody who creates a business is prepared to be a manger but the important thing to remember is that management isn’t a skill you are or are […]

Fatal Networking Mistakes for Managers

Fatal Networking Mistakes Whether you are developing your career, building a business or simply searching for a new job, networking is still one of the most powerful ways to get out and about to meet the right people. While building relationships both inside and outside of work is a good idea, however, getting it wrong […]

Working in the Right Place for You

Importance of the Interview Process for the Interviewee Have you ever worked where office politics counter the smooth operation and effectiveness in just getting the job done? This is more common than you’d possibly realise. What can you do about it? First thing is to view this situation as a learning experience. Any job, whether […]

Coaching the Uncoachable

Coaching the Uncoachable A manager has many roles and responsibilities and coaching and mentoring their employees is a big one! In fact, a manager who doesn’t might see that his employees don’t feel valued and leave. There are, however, great managers who have employees that just can’t be coached. Here’s how to coach the uncoachable. […]

Change Management – a Guide to Help Employees

Change Management – How to help guide employees through multiple changes When it comes to organisational changes, employers may need to guide their employees through any changes that are made that can affect their duties or their employment with the company. Change isn’t just a challenge for managers and supervisors, but for every employee within […]