How to Source an Effective Mentor

Sourcing an Effective Mentor So how do you find an Effective Mentor Age is wisdom and that’s certainly the case when it comes to careers! Learning from the experts is always a good idea. Mentoring helps you gather valuable knowledge and skills as well as providing professional socialisation and personal support which helps you know […]

Office Queen Bees and How to Cope With Office Bullying

Office Bullying Not everyone likes to admit it, but bullying is still alive and well in the adult world. In most cases, bullying occurs in the office environment and it can turn very hostile very quickly. It has been suggested that the office ‘queen bee’ type of bully typically begins being problematic after having been […]

Why Good Employees Quit and How to Keep Them

Good Employees

Why Your Good Employees Are Quitting and How To Keep Them All businesses have some degree of turnover of staff. Even if good employees are completely happy working for your company, they may still decide to leave and for a wide range of reasons. It’s not always about the business itself. The problem for many […]

Empathy as an Effective Leadership Skill

Empathy as an Effective Leadership Skill What is Empathy? Empathy is one of those feeling that is more focused on someone else’s needs than our own. While many people often confuse sympathy and empathy with each other, the two terms are very different. Sympathy is agreeing with the way someone else is feeling, empathy involves […]

Establishing Trust in an Organisation


In most people’s opinion, trust is one of those things that is generally hard earned over a long period of time. How do you establish it quickly, however, if you are trying to get the best out of your team? For managers this is an important question, especially when they need deliver on the company’s […]

How to Manage Your Team


How to Manage Your Team – Properly! Getting the most out of a team is the life blood and primary purpose of managers and leaders across all businesses. It’s about giving individuals the tools to do a good job while providing an environment that encourages and promotes innovation and productivity. Get it right and you […]

The Key to Successful Mentoring

Successful Mentoring

Successful Mentoring More and more of us are using mentors to help us build our careers and, hopefully, succeed in the professional world. While the idea of coaching is not new, technology and greater awareness have opened up the world of successful mentoring to a much wider portion of the working population. Entrepreneurs have always […]

Who to Go to When You’ve Got a Bad Boss

Who to Go to When You’ve Got a Bad Boss You go to work and you work hard. You are a  model employee who has done a lot for the company and you have put in the overtime to prove it. Yet, you are still harassed by your boss. Either they pick apart everything you […]

Time Management or How to Cure Procrastination

Time Management or How to Cure Procrastination We all know that time management is important if you’re serious about productivity and efficiency at work. One of the biggest hurdles to effective personal performance has always been procrastination – those moments when you unintentionally find ways to stop what really needs to be done. 3 Things […]

Karpman Drama Triangle: Rescuer, Persecutor and Victim

 Karpman Drama Triangle: Rescuer, Persecutor and Victim Conflict within the workplace is a big issue and can impact on relationships as well as damage  productivity and success for the employer. Staff who are victims of bullying, for example, will not be able to perform at their best and contribute in any meaningful way. Toxic relationships […]